HMS Families: At conferences we are giving parents copies of these documents which outlines our Comprehensive Sexual Health Education lessons we are beginning as part of PE in November. The letter explains why we offer these lessons. The second document outlines, by grade level, the lessons we offer. There are two QR codes on the document. The first allows you to go look at the lessons listed, the lesson plan and materials we use. The second allows you to opt your student out of either an individual lesson or the course of lessons, if you wish. Students who are opted out will have alternative assignments. If you have questions, please call Mr. Cook at 360-538-8225.

HMS Families: A reminder that we have conferences this week. Monday is our evening conferences from 5:00-8:00 pm in the cafeteria. MONDAY IS A FULL DAY OF SCHOOL!
Tuesday-Friday are 11:20 dismissals for students. Conferences on Tuesday-Thursday are from noon-3:30 pm. All conferences are in the cafeteria. If you have not yet set a time for conferences, please give our office a call at 360-538-8220.

HMS Football Families: Just a reminder that at the end of last week games were changed for this week. We have a football double-header against Bush MS on Tuesday (tomorrow). The 7th Grade Game is at 5:00 pm, and the 8th Grade game is at 7:00. Both games are under the lights at Olympic Stadium. This is the final games this year for both teams. Good luck Cubs!

HMS XCountry Parents: The final meet of the season is Thursday at Elma. The League Championship meet will take place at Oaksridge Golf Course, with the Middle School girls race starting at 3:30, and the Middle School boys race starting at 4:00. Good luck Cubs!

HMS Football Families: ***Important Change in Games for next week*** I just had pushed "Send" on the Week at a Glance....So...Total change in time and venue and date for 7th and 8th Grade Football. The games next week vs. Bush will now be played on Tuesday, October 22. The 7th Grade game will be at 5:00 at Olympic Stadium. The 8th Grade game will be at 7:00 also at Olympic Stadium. A good old fashioned Football Doubleheader!

HMS Families: Week at a glance for October 21-26. Girls Basketball and Wrestling begin on Monday, and Football and Cross Country end their seasons; HMS Conference week, with 11:20 early releases on Tuesday through Friday of next week. Saturday is our Halloween Dance from 7:00-9:00 pm

HMS Families: Wrestling and Girls Basketball begin on Monday, October 21. Please make sure your child has all forms in Final Forms completed and a current physical so they can turn out. For students still in Football, and Cross Country, your practices in those sports next week count towards practices in Wrestling and Girls Basketball.

HMS Families: Reminder tomorrow is the Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill and Tsunami Evacuation. PLEASE have students bring weather appropriate clothing to school tomorrow. We are evacuating and going up that hill rain or shine, unless otherwise directed. Thank you!

HMS Parents: If you missed last night's Zoom Meeting about a trip to Washington DC next year, there is a second opportunity to get the information and ask your questions. Tomorrow (Thursday, October 16) at 6:00 pm there will be another Zoom Meeting. You can use this link: http://us02web.zoom.us/my/eounsted

HMS Families: Just a reminder that on Thursday, October 17 at 10:17 a.m. the Hoquiam School District will be taking part in The Great Shakeout, which is an earthquake preparedness drill involving what to do during and after an earthquake. As part of this week, we want to direct you to some simple information about what you should do to ready your home beforehand, and what you should do and not do during an earthquake. Click the link to take you to some good information: https://doh.wa.gov/emergencies/be-prepared-be-safe/severe-weather-and-natural-disasters/earthquakes

HMS Families: That informational zoom meeting is Tuesday, October 15, at 6:00 p.m. Kinda important information there....

HMS Families: There is an informational Zoom Meeting for anyone interested in having their child go on an educational trip to Washington DC in April of 2026. The zoom address is on the bottom of the first page of this flyer, along with a QR code. I hope it is clear enough for you, the flyer is a wonderful color document, but our scanner only does black and white. If you have any questions, please contact Shayne Folkers (sfolkers@hoquiam.net)

HMS Families: We are getting reports of some issues in the Bus Dropoff area in front of school in the mornings. The area directly in front of the school is for school busses only. I have two options for parents dropping their student off, especially as the weather gets yuckier. Option 1, drop off on Spencer Street which is the street that is in front of HMS. It's about a half block walk to the school. Option 2: Drop off in back of the school. The student can either walk all the way around to the front (not recommended in bad weather), or they can cut through to the playground and enter the building there (much shorter walk). As there are no busses dropping off in the back it solves that issue. Thank you for whatever you can do.

HMS Families: Week at a Glance for October 14-18. Reminder that Friday, October 18 is an early release for students. School dismisses at 11:20 a.m.

HMS Parents: We are sending home a letter with each student regarding next Thursday's "Great Shakeout" Earthquake and Tsunami drill that will take place. The letter is attached, if your copy should get lost on the way home today. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's participation in the drill, please call us at 360-538-8220.

HMS Families: There has been a last second change in the lunch menu for Tuesday: The kitchen will be serving Chicken Alfredo instead of Chicken Burgers. As Chicken Burgers are a popular item, we figured we better let kids know ASAP to prevent any last second heartbreak.

HMS Families: Week at a glance is coming out today for next week because students do not have school tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend!

HMS Families: The October edition of the Cubby Chronicle is out. You can find it here: https://hoquiam.edurooms.com/engage/hoquiam-middle-school/newsletters/the-cubby-chronicle-13925

HMS Families: Week at a Glance for September 30-October 4. Reminder, there is no school for students on Friday October 4, as it is a Professional Development Day! Have a good weekend!! Go Grizzlies!

HMS Wrestling Families: Coach Gwin has arranged for wrestling shirts, sweatshirts, and gear to be ordered through an online store. The last day to order is October 27. You can find the items here: