Hoquiam Middle School
Life Skills
Resource ELA
Resource Math
Course Descriptions:
These courses are designed to help students work toward their IEP goals.
Course Competencies/Learning Objectives:
Students will gain skills for their individual needs.
Student Evaluation:
This class is below grade level and as such will be given a Pass/Fail grade mark. No typical (A, B, C, D or F) letter grades will be given. The student grade in this class will be based upon participation in the activities, daily work, homework, projects, tests and quizzes. If students participate and take an active role in learning, they will succeed.
Attendance Policy:
Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational process. It is important to attend and participate in class on a daily basis. If you are absent, please see me regarding the content and work that was missed the day of your return to class.
Classroom Expectations:
Arrive to class on time
Be prepared
Respect your teacher, classmates and property of others
Participate – Always give your best.
Be Responsible
Class Requirements:
Turn your work in when it is due. If you are absent make sure you get your missing assignments from me (it is your responsibility to ask me for your missed work).
Please check and sign below:
_____________I have read the information in this course syllabus and I fully understand what I’m expected to do in class.
Student Signature: ____________________ Parent Signature: _____________________