Parent-Teacher Conferences
Any time during the school year if you feel that you need to speak with an individual teacher please email that teacher so that the communication can start through that process. We are happy to schedule an individual conferences, when necessary.
Open House/Fall Conferences (October 25th - 28th)
Fall Conferences at Hoquiam Middle School are held near the end of the first quarter. Your student(s) will have had a chance to learn about each of their classes and their teacher's expectations. This conference allows your student to walk you through their class schedule and meet each of their teachers. It is a great opportunity to hear first hand what your student is doing and receive feedback from the teachers, and the teachers to get feedback from their students families. This helps build a strong student, family, teacher partnership. Because some teacher teach over 130 students, it may not be possible to get private time with an individual teacher in this open house format. During this open house format, families can schedule follow up meetings with teachers that they would like more time or a private conversation. Please allow about 60 minutes to meet all seven of your students teachers.
Spring Student Led Conferences (March 28th - 31st)
Spring Conferences at Hoquiam Middle School are student-led conferences. We received very positive feedback from the experience parents and students have had as this format will respect your time as we are going to be scheduling each conference so you know when, where, and how long your conferences will be. These take place in the cafeteria. In this process, Ms. Andrews, our school counselor will be present to help guide the process and provide additional feedback if needed. You will then have the opportunity to meet with all of your student’s teachers as time permits. If you are unable to connect with a specific teacher and would like to conference, please refer to parent-teacher conferences above.
Students will be working hard to compile a portfolio to share examples of work with you as well as assessments of progress in each class. They will be practicing how to discuss their skills as a learner, and they will work with you to set a long-term academic goal for the school year. This process is vital to the success of your student. It is expected that at least one parent/guardian attend the conference with their student.
Please note that students will be released from school at 11:05 am during conference week. Bus transportation will be provided at that time. To respect the conference atmosphere, students will be expected to go home unless they are on campus with a parent/guardian for their conference.
Typical Agenda of Student Led Conferences
Briefly review the Agenda to give an overview of what is in your portfolio
Read your “Dear Parent/Guardian” letter to your parents/guardians
Present your self-evaluation on attendance and behavior
Present your STAR & SBA testing information
Login to Skyward and present your progress and work
Share the information on the Classroom Self-Reflection Sheets from each class
Goal Setting
Explain your strengths and areas to work on
Explain the four goals you have set
Sign the form with your parents/guardians
Meet with individual teachers as needed in classrooms