HMS Families: There has been a change in the sports calendar for this week. Here is the adjustment to the schedule. 7th & 8th Varsity Volleyball games against Rochester are still on, but moved to HHS Gym and will be played simultaneously at 4 PM, side by side, instead of back to back. The JV Volleyball games at Rochester have been pushed to Thursday instead of Wednesday. Bus has the same leave time. The Boys Soccer at Rochester has also been pushed to Thursday instead of Wednesday. Bus has the same leave time.
Thank you Mr. Krohn for adjusting to allow our choir athletes to be able to perform at their concert Wednesday night!

HMS Families: One item accidentally was left off the Week at a Glance for this week. On Wednesday, March 12, there is a district Choir Concert at 7:00 pm at the 7th Street Theater. Sorry for any confusion this caused.

HMS Families: Week at a Glance for March 10-14. Reminder to set your clocks ahead 1 hour this weekend! You are all invited to our HSD Spring Concert on Tuesday, and Friday March 14 is a full day of school-no early release .

Reminder, Sunday, March 9, begins Daylight Savings Time...Be sure to set those clocks ahead and hour!

Here is the schedule for next week. Kudos to our students for their behavior during the STEM assembly at HHS. Very proud of them! Have a great weekend.

Tonight's volleyball matches were reversed in the week at a glance. The varsity teams will be AT Elma, and the JV contests will be here.

HMS Week at a Glance: February 24-Spring Sports begins competition on Tuesday! No Early Release on Friday, February 28.

HMS Week at a Glance for February 17-21. No school for students Monday and Tuesday, early release Friday. Reminder that the Valentine's Dance is 7:00-9:00 tonight! Have a great weekend!

HMS Families: Reminder that Boy's Soccer begins on Thursday, after school. If your student is planning on turning out, please have everything completed in Final Forms by Thursday!

HMS Families: UPDATED Week at a Glance for this week. We made one change to our HOPE Week Dress up days. Wednesday is now a PINK OUT. Students should wear as much pink as they can, or can stomach...Reminder Valentine's Dance is this Friday, 7-9 p.m. $5 admission.

Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Students:
Grade 6
Principal’s Honor Roll (4.0)
Brynn Hnilica, Dessa Orris, Harper Niemi, Layna Bozich, Mason Ounsted, Ryan Quigg,
Taylie Turpin-Andrew, Taylor Sweers, Tyson Velez
Grand Honor Roll (3.6-3.99)
Avery Smith, Cassidee Matsen, Brayden Mills, Dimitri Cruzan, Ezra Eaton, Gracie Jahner, Harper Ramage, Leila Booth, Levi Kruse, Levi Tillery, Loreen Cooper, Madilynn Damaske, Maggie Johnson, Martin Felipe-Morales, Mason Warren, Michael Sinclair, Miriam Cortes-Verdejo, Miyah Fesler , Payton Dhooghe, Romeo Balagot, Violette Robinett, Zayleigh Boggs
Honor Roll (3.0-3.59)
Achilles Holcomb, Alexander Mooney, Andrea Matsen, Ayla Walker, Carole Dollarhyde, Clayton Schnoor, Eden Park, Jaylin Vazquez Vazquez, Jazlynn Vaca-Figueroa, Jerai Enriquez-Rivera, Kamryn Cable, Kasen Sturm, Lawyer Niemi, Lillian Gruber, Luis Vazquez, Malachi Combs, Maliyeah Underwood, Randon Coons, Rylie Smith, Serena Matthews, Talen Lash, Waylen Voynow, Willow Hartman
Grade 7
Principal’s Honor Roll (4.0)
Kenzie Stankavich, Ryan Roberts
Grand Honor Roll (3.6-3.99)
Alonso Aguilar, Andres Carrada-Morelia, Britton Maxfield, Davyn Stewart, Declan Potter, Eli Jones, Grayson Black, Hunter Turpin, Lyric Ramstein, Mayerick Gertson, Yutaka Hughes , Zoey Shope
Honor Roll (3.0-3.59)
Alan Hernandez Nieto, Allexandria Garcia, Annabella Oliver, Ash’lynned Donovan-Iverson, Boston Olson, Carter Granberg, Charlotte Morris, Chase Mealey, Fatima Calderon Sanchez, Grace Whitespeare, Haven Clayton, Isaac Fabian Avila, Jacob Ortuno, Jasmine Johnson, Jaycee Eddy-Hathaway, Juan Quintero-Arellano, Julianne Fowler, Kamryn Arnold, Landon Henson, Leviathan Larsson, Liana Santiago-Torres, Lucero Rosales Ramirez, Mackenzie Rice, Marco Vazquez, Maverick Tilley, Melanie Calderon , Natalie Bojorquez, Noah Longenbaugh, Nolan Roberts, Paisley Shaw , Peyton Tobias, Presley Wallin, Santiago Garcia, Thaddeus Koth, Tia Sayamnet, Timothy Morris, Vernon Fox, Violet Choate
Grade 8
Principal’s Honor Roll (4.0)
Bella Garcia, Josue Osorio, Kenny Canel Huinil, Kylie McCoy, Lyndon Madison, Tanner Shaw
Grand Honor Roll (3.6-3.99)
Addison Jahner, Aubrey Mapel, Bethany Betancourth, Caleb Bennett, Carlos Lopez Perez, Cesar Gonzalez Nieto, Cristian Nieto Sanches, Enrique Juarez, Grady Abbott, Iza Frye, Juliet Lisle, Kane Mondragon, Kenneth McCoy III, Lucas Aguilar, Maggi Quigg, Makalah Haskey, Nathan Gunderson, Parker Swantek, Seth Andrews-Lisle, Sophia Barron, Teagan Bradshaw Pigott
Honor Roll (3.0-3.59)
Adalie Morton, Audrey Gray, Christofer Rodriguez, Crosby Dick, Ean Lavallee, Farrah Gomez, Iker Garcia-Boyzo, Ivy Fairbairn, Julietta Del Cid, Link Allison, Lucas Montoure, Maci Ramiskey, Maria Torres, Owyn Golder, Quinton Prater, Raelynn Nielsen, Reaghan Madison, Rhonnijo Thompson, Sphynx Levering-Perry, Taylor Pettit, Ty Thao

Parents: We are moving to ONE DISTRICT - ONE STORY! The HMS Facebook page will be deactivated as the entire district is transitioning to one page. We will still email out the Week at a Glance schedule and school news and will be using the Thrillshare app to send out notifications and post to our web page any urgent news. Below are links to the new accounts.
Follow Us for ALL #WeAreHoquiamSD celebrations on Facebook and Instagram. ♥️🤍
Facebook ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/HoquiamSchoolDistrict
Instagram ➡️ https://www.instagram.com/hoquiamschooldistrict/
◾️Please note: this page will be deactivated effective immediately.
Be sure to click on the links above so you don't miss a thing!

HMS Basketball families: As of 1:30 pm, all middle school basketball games scheduled for this evening are still on!

February Cubby Chronicle is out...There will likely be an update to a few articles soon as we get updated information. https://hoquiam.edurooms.com/engage/hoquiam-middle-school/newsletters/cubby-chronicle-52893

Hi Hoquiam parents! We're loving our new Rooms platform for two-way communication. Another round of invites have been sent out as of this morning. Be sure to accept your invite in order to be able to log in via the Hoquiam app. Reach out your building office with any questions, and be sure to check out our Rooms Support webpage!

Hoquiam schools will be on a 2 hour delayed start for Monday, February 3. HMS will start school at 10:15 am. Stay safe!

HMS Week at a Glance: February 3-7. Have a great weekend!

HMS Week at a Glance for January 27-31. Third quarter begins on January 29! Have a great weekend!

Hi parents! We are sending out another round of invites to Rooms this Monday, Jan 20th. Rooms is our new two-way communication platform! Please make sure to review our Rooms support page if you have any questions, and before signing into the Hoquiam app, you will need to accept the invite that gets sent to you. Thanks for your patience during this transition!

HMS Families: Week at a glance for next week. Reminder there is no school Monday in honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. Have a good weekend.