Voluntary Water Test
Voluntary Water tests conducted in HSD Schools
A voluntary water test for lead was conducted in all Hoquiam School District Schools on May 17, 2016. Schools that receive water from a public water system, such as our district, are not required by state or federal regulations to conduct testing for lead in their drinking water according to the Department of Health.
The results of this voluntary test came back to the district on Wednesday, May 25, 2017. The results show inconsequential traces of lead in all buildings but Lincoln Elementary. Water samples were taken from five locations within Lincoln. Four of the five locations showed an elevated amount of lead in the water. Upon the advice of the Department of Health, additional tests were conducted at Lincoln on Friday, May 27, 2016 and the samples were sent to the lab that same day.
Presently, we do not know the status of these additional tests. As a pre-caution, the district has provided bottled water to the staff and students at the school. The kitchen staff was also provided with bottled water to use in their meal preparations. Bottled water is available to all students upon request.
A letter was sent home to parents outlining this test on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 immediately following the three day Memorial weekend.
The initial test results and the May 31 parent letter are available in the Hoquiam School District office.