Ms. Richelle Barger

Phone: 360-538-8355
Degrees and Certifications:
BA Fine Art Montana State University
Masters' in Strategic 1994
Art K-12 Teaching Lewis Clark State College
Communication, Washington State University
Hello Grizzlies!
I am excited to be back in the Hoquiam School District! My son graduated from here in 2019 and I have attended many assemblies and events in the Seabreeze Oval, Olympic Stadium and the gymnasium.
Art welcomes and thrives on change and this year is going to be one for the record books! I am excited to present to you engaging questions that will make you think about the world around you and then present your interpretation with your creations. I will be teaching Commercial Art and Photography and Freshman Navigation.
I also have high expectations. Art is serious business $764 billion according to which constitutes 4.2% of our gross domestic product nation-wide. Washington state leads the nation with 7.9%. I believe art can change the world - or at the very least can influence thought of an individual. We have to be brave enough to put it out there. We are going to do our part at our school.
Follow my annoucements for periodic updates.
Some favorite Virtual Art Museums and Gallery links:
Aberdeen Art Center ( & Alder Gallery )
Shows: Getting Out Again September 30, The New Reality (Nov 30), Black and White (Jan 30)
Smithsonian American Art Museum (themes assignement)
Hirshhorn (Smithsonia modern art museum)
Google Classroom Codes are as follows
Navigation Class of 2024: g4yc2gg
Commercial Art P1:mhsmuv4
Commercial Art P2: 5gvfl7s
Photography P3: 2udbtuz