Counseling and Career Center
Explore Colleges and Careers
Your College Decision Headquarters! This site is very useful to explore colleges and careers. Private and secure, won't share your information without your permission.
Washington Career Bridge
Students at HHS completed the online Career Survey quiz to discover their potential Career Fields! Continue on this website for more information about Career and College options.
Check out a College
Visit the website to Explore Careers, Choose a College and Get Started moving toward your college choice.
Washington is home to 6 public four-year colleges and universities and more than 300 independent colleges, universities, and career schools.
AND There are 34 Community and Technical Colleges in Washington State? Take Me to the List!
Pick up a copy of the brochure at the HHS Career Center.
The Wash Board - Scholarship locator
Looking for scholarships? We connect Washington students of all types with Washington scholarship providers. Whether you’ll be attending in state or out, you save time by entering your profile once and letting us find the scholarship opportunities that fit. is spam-free and will never sell your information. Sign up today. Register, answer some questions about yourself/student and start receiving scholarship information emails that fit your student. It's just that easy!
Community & Technical Schools: A Great Choice for Higher Education
Community and technical colleges welcome all who desire to learn. With open door admissions and lower tuition than private colleges, community and technical college students reflect the local communities they serve.
Learn More, Earn More
Students who earn associate degrees and certificates are more likely to move into higher-level positions with better wages. An investment of a few thousand dollars can pay lifelong dividends, as students who earn associate degrees average lifetime earnings of $250,000 more than people without degrees.
Education That Works
Community and technical colleges have become colleges of choice for workers who want to take classes to upgrade job skills for a promotion or raise, or to enter a new field.
You may choose to earn an associate of applied science degree or certificate and then enter the workplace. More students can now transfer professional-technical degrees toward a bachelor’s degree through university partnerships and bachelor's degrees offered by the community and technical colleges.
Transfer Education That Succeeds
Of all four-year college and university graduates from the state of Washington, 41% began their studies at one of our community colleges
College-ready community college students reach junior status at the same rate as freshmen who directly enter public universities
Of students who enrolled at two-year colleges right after high school, 76% were on the transfer path within two years, compared to 57% of students who delayed entering college
On average, students who transfer only take one additional course compared to students who start out at a university
Where Do High School Graduates in Washington Go?
37% enroll in a community or technical college
29% enroll at in-state universities
8% enroll out of state
5% attend community or technical college after waiting one or two years
5% first attend a university and then transfer back to a two-year college within a year or two of high school graduation.
*Info Found on Check Out a College website: